Hi, my name is Ankit Pandey
I'm a NodeJS Developer and a Competitive Coder.

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About me

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I am a Computer Science undergrad and a coding enuthsiast. My immense love for coding persuaded me to explore various domains of computer science including Android Development, Web Development, Machine Learning etc.

Apart from coding I am a blogging enuthusiast and love teaching algorithms.

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Chandigarh University - B.E. Computer Science and Engineering

(2018 - Till Date)

DPSG International, Ghaziabad - Science(PCM)

(2016 - 2018)

Ingraham Institute

(2013 - 2016)



Stories is a public blogging webapp built with an intent to help interoverts communicate openly with people. Through stories people can share their emotions, some of the happy moments, some life tips and few more things beyond imagination in form of blogs.

Tech Stack : NodeJS, ExpressJS,MongoDB, Handlebars

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OpenDocx facilitates realtime collaboration for making last minute document. With integration of WebSockets multiple users can collaborate in creation of a document thus increasing team's productivity.

Tech Stack : NodeJS, SocketIO, MongoDB, ReactJS

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LIMS(Team Project)

With advancement of technology we wanted to make student's assignment submissions paperless. Thus we came up with the idea of LIMS to help under-previleged educational institutes automate the process of assignment submission, notice announcements, sharing study material etc.

Tech StackBackend : Flask, Firebase, Postgres-SQL
IOS App :Swift, Firebase

Live Backend

Bridge(Team Project)

Bridge is a social-cause app, where under-previleged students can request for monetry support by filling a short yet informative application form. We have kept a simple 3 step process to carry out the entire application flow.

Tech Stack
Backend : Flask, Firebase, Postgres-SQL
Android App : Kotlin, Retrofit
IOS App : Swift

Live Backend Source Code


Wanna get in touch?

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